This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


De Board Game Arena
Revisión feita o 19 de maio de 2017 ás 08:37 por Ivers0n (conversa | contribucións) (Created page with "The goal of the game is to connect all your pieces in a single group. At your turn, you must move a piece on the hexagonal grid along a direction. Your piece is moving exactly...")
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The goal of the game is to connect all your pieces in a single group. At your turn, you must move a piece on the hexagonal grid along a direction. Your piece is moving exactly as many spaces as there are pieces on the line in which it is moving. Ex : if on a line there are 2 pieces, you can move a piece 2 spaces along this line.

If you finish your move on one of your opponent piece, you capture it BUT you can never jump above any opponent piece. And that's it!