This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Tips elfenland

De Board Game Arena
Revisión feita o 10 de febreiro de 2017 ás 21:28 por Scottmcn (conversa | contribucións) (Created page with "Most obviously, always try and get transportation tiles to match your cards. Keep in mind that the other players won't be taking tiles they consider to be unnecessary so the ...")
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Most obviously, always try and get transportation tiles to match your cards. Keep in mind that the other players won't be taking tiles they consider to be unnecessary so the tiles they take will match the cards they have.

Depend on other players to give you opportunities based on their choices of tiles. You have eight cards and only four (or five) tiles so you have to travel on other people's routes some of the time. Therefore don't spend a lot of time in a section of the board without the other players.

Given that you will be dealt eight cards and there are only seven types you will get at least one pair. Your odds on three of kind or two pair are pretty good.

Watch what the other players are turning down when they have their turn. If a given player takes a random tile from the stack that means they don't want or need the tiles on offer. You can makes guesses as to what they have using this information.

You only get one obstacle for the game. Save your obstacle for the third or fourth turn. You should either place it to affect multiple players or the leader. If you save it for the fourth turn, you do run the risk of the best place to use it being on your own route.

Try not to leave small pockets of cities spread around the board or they will be too far apart in the final turn.

The desert is hard for everyone. If you have a hand that could pick up desert cities easily you should utilize it.

If you find you will have a spare tile you have some choices; save it for the next turn, plan to discard, use it in an area you are not going to go. If you are using it on an area you aren't going to go you should place it so that it is inefficient. Putting a dragon in the forest means someone needs 2 dragons to get through.

Keep in mind that the rafts are useful for getting around a place where someone has placed a difficult tile. Keep in mind the caravan rule; if you have to get through an area you can use 3 cards of a kind (4 with obstacles).

Try not to end your turn in Kiromah (the dead-end city, SW of the desert). It is very easy for someone to put a dragon or magic cloud on the road leaving Kiromah which could be disastrous for you.