This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


De Board Game Arena
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This is the reference of functions you can call from your Sandbox scripts.

Lua programming language

Lua is a very simple & generic script language, very close from C or PHP.

If you are familiar with most used languages, you can learn Lua basic structures in few minutes (for example from this page :

Using Lua, you can write scripts to automate moves for your Sandbox games & provide rules reinforcement.

Sandbox Scripts Hello World

From Sandbox editor "interface view" tab, select an element, and access to its property (top right icon).

Go to "Scripts (advanced)" section.

In front of "When this element is clicked", enter "onMyClick".

Close the window. Go to "script view" tab.

Enter the following :

function onMyClick(id)
   addToBgaLog("Hello world! You just clicked on element "". Congrats!")

Save & publish your project, starts a test session, click on the previous element : your message appears in the log on the right!

Functions you can use in your Lua Sandbox scripts

addToBgaLog( txt )