This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


De Board Game Arena
Revisión feita o 8 de xullo de 2014 ás 03:57 por Wolfkin (conversa | contribucións) (formatting)
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The construction of the temple dedicated to Sobek is in full swing. A whole economy has set up next to the construction site: there’s a new market, and the feluccas sailing up and down the Nile are constantly bringing goods of all sorts. Competition between merchants is naturally fierce and some are prepared to become corrupt beyond reason in order to amass glory and riches. Mainly the riches, in fact...

You too are part of the local merchants’ guild and are prepared to do whatever it takes to beat your rivals... You have 3 rounds in which to acquire more money than your rivals, but try not to become too corrupt!

Game Turn

On your turn, you must choose one (and only one) of the 3 actions. After which, your turn ends and it is now the player on your left’s turn to choose one of the 3 actions, and then the next, etc.

Take A Card

When you take a card, you must choose one of the four available cards and add it to your hand.

By available, we mean one of the first four starting with the card nearest to the "0" space.


Taking the first available card has no consequences since the order of arrival of the feluccas is respected. However, taking one of the other ards comes with a price... corruption!

The corruption rule is simple: all the cards that you skip end up under your corruption tile.

The corruption rule applies regardless of the type of card taken (goods or character).

Play A Character

Play one (and only one) character. To do this, play it face up on the discard pile (next to the deck) and apply the power shown on its papyrus.

All the character powers are explained in detail on the last page of the rules.

Play A Set

A set is a group of goods cards of the same type

To play a set, you must place at least 3 goods cards face up in front of you. (You can, of course, play more.)

`A few notes`:

A set can include one or more amulets (joker).

Each character, being associated with a goods type, can therefore be included in a set of that same goods type.

Note, though, that when a character is played as part of a set, its power is ignored!

It is possible to add cards to a set that has already been played (in order to earn more points during scoring), but the same rule still applies: you must add a minimum of 3 new cards.

Event Tokens

As long as at least 1 of the 5 tokens hasn’t yet been played, playing a set immediately triggers an event.

When you play a set, take all the remaining tokens, choose one, and immediately apply its effect. The token is then discarded.

In order to prevent another player from taking advantage of a token, you may choose a token whose effect cannot be applied or which has no effect on you. In that case, you simply discard it.

All the tokens are explained on the last page of the rules.