This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


De Board Game Arena
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Secure as many diamond collections as you can in your safe!

A collection is a set of three diamonds of the same color, or more (up to five). Each color has a matching digit ranging from 1 to 10.

On each round, you'll earn victory chips based on the points earned collecting diamonds. Collections are worth more or less depending upon the diamond color (be careful to check the collection values, the most valuable diamond is the '7', not the '10')

The player with the most victory chips at the end of three rounds wins!

Rules summary

On your turn, you must first choose between two possibilities (phase 1):

  • Draw one card and put it in your hand
  • Draw two cards and put them on the market.

Then you will have to choose between two actions (phase 2):

  • Select one of your cards and go to the market with it. Once on the market, you can:
    • Take all cards of the same color than the one you went to the market with (including it)
    • Take a selection of cards whose digits sum up to the digit of the card you went to the market with
    • Or come back empty ended...
  • Select cards in your hand and secure them into your safe. Your selection:
    • Must contain at least one collection (three diamonds of the same color)
    • Can contain diamonds matching a collection already present in your safe (in order to expand the collection)

At the end of your turn, if you have more than 5 cards in your hand, you will have to discard some to keep only 5.

Special cards

Available variants

Game length: the 'Standard' game is played in 3 rounds. The 'Quick game' variant makes it possible to play a game in just one round when you are in a hurry to get lots of pretty diamonds to pay back your Can't stop gambling debts!

Closing card: in the 'Standard' game, the closing card is randomly shuffled among the last 15 cards at 2/3 players, and among the last 5 cards at 4/5 players. With the 'Deterministic' variant, the closing card is the last one, so you can try to outthink your opponents till the very end!

Have a good game !