This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Post-release phase

De Board Game Arena
Revisión feita o 29 de abril de 2013 ás 15:55 por Sourisdudesert (conversa | contribucións) (Created page with " Your game is now on BGA: congrats! But what happened when there are some bugs to fix or when you want to optimize something? Don't be afraid: you're still allowed to modify...")
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Your game is now on BGA: congrats!

But what happened when there are some bugs to fix or when you want to optimize something?

Don't be afraid: you're still allowed to modify your game. You just have to pay attention to the points below.

BGA packages: when my updates will be visible by players?

BGA website is updated with "packages". When needed, we build a new package with all games and release a new version of BGA with this package.

It means that your updates won't be visible by players until a new package is build and released on the website.

Usually, there is less than 2 weeks between 2 packages, so it's quick. BUT, if you detect some major bug in your game, please warn us immediately so we can decide what to do. Usually, we do the following:

* We can do a "hotfix": you send us a very little change and we fix the website immediately. This is only possible if you change only the PHP side. The good news is that most blocking bugs are on PHP side - the client side bugs are most of the time solved by a page refresh. Of course, we don't hotfix minor bugs.
* We can build another package: 

Note: don't forget that in any case, you need to commit your changes to made them available for the next package. Modifications that are not commited are not included in the packages.