This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


De Board Game Arena
Revisión feita o 13 de xuño de 2012 ás 22:56 por Een (conversa | contribucións) (Created page with " == Goal == Get as many diamond collections as you can in your safe! A collection is a set of three diamonds of the same color or more (up to five). Each color has a matchi...")
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Get as many diamond collections as you can in your safe!

A collection is a set of three diamonds of the same color or more (up to five).

Each color has a matching value between 1 to 10.

Rules summary

On your turn, you must first choose between two possibilities (phase 1):

  • Draw one card and put it in your hand
  • Draw two cards and put them on the market

Then you will have to choose between two actions (phase 2):

  • Select one of your card and go to the market with this card. Once on the market, you can:
    • Take all cards of the same color than the one you went to the market with (including it)
    • Take a selection of cards whose values sum up to the value of the card you went to the market with
    • Come back empty ended
  • Select cards in your hand and secure them into your safe. Your selection:
    • Must contain at least one collection
    • Can contain diamonds matching a collection already present in your safe (in order to expand the collection)

At the end of your turn, if you have more than 5 cards in your hand, you will have to discard some cards to keep only 5.

Special cards

Available variants

Have a good game !