This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


De Board Game Arena
Saltar ata a navegación Saltar á procura

Summary of the game

I - 農業:

A) 種蒔き:ファーストプレイヤーはカードを5枚引きラクダ価値の高いものを右からに並べる(4人プレイの場合)。これを2列作る。
B) 収穫:ターン順にいずれかの縦列の2枚のカードを貰う
C) 新しいターン順:収穫でより左側の列をとったプレイヤーから順に行動していきます

II - 拡張:各プレイヤーは、ターン順に、以下のすべてのアクションを実行します.

A) 新しい小屋:プレイヤーは、現在のターンの拡大の値に対応する数だけ小屋を配置していきます。(自分のジッグラトもしくは小屋に隣接しているところに)
B) Resupplying: using their cards, the player resupplies their huts
C) Famine: unsupplied huts are removed from the board
D) Wells: the player may place wells on the intersection of 3 hexagons on which they have huts
E) Revenue & prestige: the player earns camels and scores points

III - Actions: each player, in turn order, spends their camels (totally or in part)

A) Build / extend a ziggurat
B) Create intrigue in Assur
C) Make an offering to the gods
D) Buy a Plow or Food card

End of turn: If this is not the end of a Reign, place a new Expansion card. Otherwise, a Flood takes place.


I) Flooding: each hut located on the river is removed
II) Assur: the players count their influence and score points depending on the Expansion cards of the current Reign
III) Dignitaries: the players score bonuses depending on the dignitaries on whose spaces they are placed
IV) Offerings: the players multiply their position on the offerings tracks with the number of ziggurats they own on the board
V) Next reign : place the Bonus card (4-players); place a new Expansion card.

At the end of the 3rd Reign, players score 1 point per ziggurat tile, 1 point per Plow card and 1 point for each group of 2 remaining camels.