This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


De Board Game Arena
Revisión feita o 27 de marzo de 2015 ás 09:28 por Wiccaesar (conversa | contribucións) (Correction: if you are a saboteur, you must, in association with other saboteurs (PREVIOUSLY GOLD DIGGERS), prevent the gold diggers to get to the treasure.)
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Get as many gold nuggets as possible during the three rounds of the game. In order to do so,

  1. if you are a gold digger, you must, in association with other gold diggers, build a path from the 'Start' card to the treasure card which can be found among the three 'End' cards
  2. if you are a saboteur, you must, in association with other saboteurs, prevent the gold diggers to get to the treasure.

Your role (gold digger or saboteur) will be randomly selected at the start of each round.

Rules summary

On your turn, you must click on a card from your hand to select it, then play this card or discard it. You can also rotate a 'Path' card before playing it by clicking the 'rotate' arrow that appears above the card.

The cards are of several types:

  • 'Path' card: you can play this card to extend the maze, provided it is compatible with the cards already in place. To do this, click the location where you want to put the card.
  • 'Sabotage' card: you can break another player's tool of the type indicated. To do this, click the corresponding tool in the target player's panel (under the score). A player with a broken tool cannot play a Path card.
  • 'Repair' card: you can repair your, or another player's, broken tool of the type indicated. To do this, click the corresponding tool in the target player's panel (under the score), or click on the 'Sabotage' card in front of you.
  • 'Map' card: you can play this card on any 'End' card to discover whether or not the treasure lies there (you alone will get the information, other players will see nothing). Just click on the 'End' card that you want to know everything about.
  • 'Rock fall' card: this card lets you remove any 'Path' card of the maze. Just click on the card you want to remove.

Cards in play

  • 44 'Path' cards
  • 9 'Sabotage' cards (three for each tool)
  • 6 'Repair a tool' cards (two for each tool)
  • 3 'Repair a tool among these two' cards (one for each combination of two tools)
  • 5 'Map' cards (one less than in the box set, as requested by the game author)
  • 3 'Rock fall' cards
  • 28 'Gold' cards
    • 16 with one gold nugget
    • 8 with two gold nuggets
    • 4 with three gold nuggets


Roles are randomly selected among a set that depends upon the number of players:

  • with 3 players: 1 saboteur and 3 gold diggers
  • with 4 players: 1 saboteur and 4 gold diggers
  • with 5 players: 2 saboteurs and 4 gold diggers
  • with 6 players: 2 saboteurs and 5 gold diggers
  • with 7 players: 3 saboteurs and 5 gold diggers
  • with 8 players: 3 saboteurs and 6 gold diggers
  • with 9 players: 3 saboteurs and 7 gold diggers
  • with 10 players: 4 saboteurs and 7 gold diggers

Available variants

The game author, Frederic Moyersoen, told us about some game variants, and we implemented all four of them. Please tell us which one is your favourite in the forum!

Have a good game !