This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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(Undo revision 1152 by Xenom (talk) Spanish translation ended up on English page)
(Undo revision 1135 by Benthor (talk) Spanish translation ended up on English page)
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== Object of the game ==
== Objetivo del juego ==
The players are travelers in Japan. They will follow the prestigious Tokaido and try to make this journey as rich an experience as possible.

To do this, they will pass through magnificent countryside, taste delicious culinary specialties, purchase souvenirs, benefit from the virtues of hot springs, and have unforgettable encounters.

Los jugadores son viajeros en Japón. Seguirán la prestigiosa Tokaido e intentarán hacer del viaje una experiencia tan rica

como sea posible
==Playing the game==
The player whose Traveler is farthest behind on the road is the player who takes the next turn.

Para ello, viajarán a través de magníficos paisajes, degustrán deliciosas especialidades culinarias, comprarán recuerdos,  
This player must move his Traveler forward to the open space of his choice, freely passing over one or more open spaces.

se beneficiarán de las virtudes de las aguas termanles, y tendrán encuentros inolvidables.
Once he has moved his Traveler, the player receives the benefit corresponding to this type of space.

  '''Jugar el juego'''
'''NOTE:''' Some of the spaces on the board are doubled. Double spaces are used only in games with 4 or 5 players.

El jugador cuyo viajero sea el más rezagado será quien tomará el siguiente turno.
==Description of the spaces==

Este jugador deberá mover a su viajero hacia el espacio abierto de su elección, pasando libremente sobre uno o más
: The player earns 3 coins.

espacios abiertos.

Una vez que haya movido su viajero, el jugador recibirá los beneficios correspondientes a es tipo de espacio.
'''Hot Spring'''

NOTA: Algunos de los espacios en el tablero son dobles. Los espacios dobles se utilizan solo en juegos con 4 o 5
: The player takes a Hot Spring card. These cards are worth 2 or 3 points.


== Descripcion de los Espacios ==

: The player must donate 1, 2, or 3 coins to the temple and scores 1 point for each donated coin.

El jugador gana 3 monedas

  '''Aguas Termales'''
El jugador toma una tarjeta de Aguas Termales. Estas tarjetas vales 2 o 3 puntos.

: The player draws one Encounter card and receives a bonus:
El jugador debe donar 1, 2 o 3 monedas al templo y obtener 1 punto por cada moneda donada.
:* Shokunin - one Souvenir
:* Annaibito - one Panorama
:* Samurai - 3 points
:* Kuge - 3 coins
:* Miko - 1 point and 1 coin to the Temple (from the bank)

El jugados roba una carta de Encuentro y recibe un bono:
      Shokunin - un Recuerdo
      Annaibito - un Panorama
      Samurai - 3 Puntos
      Kuge - 3 Monedas
      Miko - 1 Punto y 1 Moneda al templo (del banco)

El jugador roba 3 tarjetas de recuerdo y puede comprar una o más de esas tarjetas.

Cada recuerdo pertenece a uno de los 4 tipos: objetos pequeños, ropa, arte y alimentos y bebidas.
: The player draws 3 Souvenir cards and can purchase one or more of these cards.

Los Recuerdos cuestan 1, 2 ó 3 monedas. Otorgan 1, 3, 5 ó 7 puntos en función de los recuerdos contenidos en la colección
: Each Souvenir belongs to one of 4 types: small objects, clothing, art, and food & drinks.

del jugador.
: Souvenirs cost 1, 2 or 3 coins. They are worth 1, 3, 5 or 7 points depending on the actual Souvenirs in a player’s collection.

Cuando compre tarjetas de recuerdo, agrúpelos en conjuntos; cada conjunto puede contener sólo un recuerdo de cada tipo
: As you purchase Souvenir cards, group them into sets; each set can contain only one Souvenir of each type.
      El primer Recuerdo en un conjunto 1.
:* The first Souvenir in a set is worth 1 point.
      El segundo Recuerdo en un conjunto vale 3 puntos.
:* The second Souvenir in a set is worth 3 points.
      El tercer Recuerdo en un conjunto vale 5 puntos.
:* The third Souvenir in a set is worth 5 points.
      El cuarto recuerdo en un conjunto vale 7 puntos.
:* The fourth Souvenir in a set is worth 7 points.

Las panorámicas se componen de 3, 5 ó 5 secciones

Cuando un jugador se detiene en una estación panorámica,si aun no tiene ninguna tarjeta de ese tipo de panorámica, toma una

tarjeta panorámica de valor «1».
: Panoramas are made of 3, 4 or 5 sections.

De lo contrario, toma el siguiente número en orden ascendente y anota tantos puntos como el valor de la tarjeta.
: When a player stops on a Panorama Station, if he doesn’t yet have any Panorama cards of this type, he takes a Panorama card of value « 1 ».

NOTA: Cada viajero puede crear una única panorámica de cada tipo; un viajero que complete una panorámica ya no puede
: Otherwise, he takes the next number in ascending order and scores a number of points equal to the value of the card.

detenerse en los espacios correspondientes a ese tipo (Mar, Montaña o Arroz).
: '''NOTE:''' Each traveler can create only a single panorama of each type; a traveler who completes a panorama can no longer stop on the spaces corresponding to that type (Sea, Mountain, or Paddy).


Todos los viajeros deben detenerse en cada posada.

Las posadas son lugares donde los jugadores pueden comprar las tajertas de comida. Estas tienen un costo de 1, 2 ´0 3
: All Travelers must stop at each Inn.

monedas y otorgan 6 puntos de victoria.
: The Inns are the places where players can buy Meal cards. Meal cards cost 1, 2 or 3 coins and all give 6 victory points.

El primer viajero ocupa el espacio más cercano a la carretera, y los viajeros posteriores forman una línea detras de él.
: The first traveler occupies the space nearest the road, and later travelers form a line after him.

Cuando el primer viajero llega a una posada, roba tantas tarjetas de Comida como jugadores existan más 1.

Entonces compra la tarjeta de Comida de su elección, pagando su precio.
: When the first traveler arrives at an Inn, he draws as many Meal cards as there are players, plus 1.

Añade esta tarjeta, boca arriba, a su colección y coloca las tarjetas restantes a un lado del tablero, boca abajo.
: He can then purchase one Meal card of his choice by paying its price.

Luego debe esperar a que los otros viajeros lleguen a la posada. A su llegada, cada viajero comprará una de las tarjetas
: He adds this card, face up, to his collection and places the remaining cards next to the board, face down.

de Comida restantes.
: He then must wait for the other travelers to arrive at the Inn. Upon arrival, each traveler can purchase one of the remaining Meal cards.


      Un viajero no puede probar la misma especialidad culinaria dos veces durante su viaje.
: '''IMPORTANT:'''
      Un viajero no puede adquirir más de una tarjeta de Comida por posada.
:* A traveler cannot taste the same culinary specialty twice during his journey.
      Un viajero no está obigado a comprar una tarjeta de Comida.
:* A traveler can never purchase more than one Meal card per Inn.
:* A traveler is never obliged to purchase a Meal card.

== End of the journey ==
== '''Fin del Viaje''' ==
When all of the Travelers have arrived in Edo at the last Inn, the game ends.

The travelers score additional points depending on their ranking as donors to the Temple:
* The most generous donor scores 10 points.
* The second scores 7 points.
* The third scores 4 points.
* All other donors score 2 points.

Cuando todos los viajero hayan llegado a Edo. en la última Posada, el juego termina.
Award the following achievement cards to the appropriate travelers. Each achievement card is worth 3 points. If players are tied for an achievement, then they each receive the 3 points.
* Gourmet - the player with the highest total face value of Meal cards.
* Collector - the player with the most Souvenir cards.
* Bather - the player with the most Hot Spring cards.
* Chatterbox - the player with the most Encounter cards.

Los viajeros anotan puntos adicionalres dependiendo de su clasificación como donantes en los templos.
Note: There are 3 other achievement cards that are awarded during game play. One for each different type of panorama and each is awarded to the player that is first to complete the specific panorama.

      El más generoso anota 10 puntos.
Note: If players are tied after the final scoring, then the player with the most achievement cards wins.
      El segundo anota 7 puntos.
      El tercero anota 4 puntos.
      Todos los demás anotan 2 puntos.

Otorgar las siguientes tarjetas de logros a los viajeros apropiados. Cada tarjeta de logro vale 3 puntos. Si los jugadores

estan empatados en un logro, entonces cada uno recive 3 puntos.
'''(Extracted from the English rule book)'''
= Expansions =

      Gastrónomo - El jugador con el valor conjunto más alto de las tarjetas de comida.
== Cross Roads Expansion ==
      Coleccionita - El jugador con la mayor cantidad de recuerdos.
      Bañista - El jugador con la mayor cantidad de tarjetas de aguas termales.
      Parlanchín- El jugador con la mayor cantidad de tarjetas de encuentro.

Nota: existen otras 3 tarjetas de logro que se otorgan durante el juego. Una para cada tipo diferente de panorámica y cada
With this expansion, each station (except the Inn) gives travelers a new option.  There are also new travelers added.

unoa se otorga al jugador que sea el primero en completar la panorámica específico.
Rules for playing the Cross Roads Expansion can be found here:

Nota: Si los jugadores están empatados después de la puntuación final, el jugador con más tarjetas de logro gana.
Note: The Fortune die (for gambling at the farm) has these faces: x0, x1, x2, x3, x3, x4

( Extraído del libro de reglas Inglés )
== The New Encounters ==
Expansión Cruce de Caminos

Con esta expansión , cada estación (excepto la Posada) ofrece a los viajeros una nueva opción. Añaden también nuevos
This expansion adds 4 new Encounter cards. Description of the cards is here:
viajeros .
Las reglas para jugar la expansión Cruce de Caminos se pueden encontrar aquí :
Nota: El dado de la fortuna (para los juegos de azar en la granja ) tiene estas caras : x0, x1, x2, x3, x3, x4
Los Nuevos Encuentros
Esta expansión añade 4 nuevas tarjetas de Encuentro . La Descripción de las tarjetas está aquí :

Revisión como estaba o 7 de agosto de 2014 ás 01:55

Object of the game

The players are travelers in Japan. They will follow the prestigious Tokaido and try to make this journey as rich an experience as possible.

To do this, they will pass through magnificent countryside, taste delicious culinary specialties, purchase souvenirs, benefit from the virtues of hot springs, and have unforgettable encounters.

Playing the game

The player whose Traveler is farthest behind on the road is the player who takes the next turn.

This player must move his Traveler forward to the open space of his choice, freely passing over one or more open spaces.

Once he has moved his Traveler, the player receives the benefit corresponding to this type of space.

NOTE: Some of the spaces on the board are doubled. Double spaces are used only in games with 4 or 5 players.

Description of the spaces


The player earns 3 coins.

Hot Spring

The player takes a Hot Spring card. These cards are worth 2 or 3 points.


The player must donate 1, 2, or 3 coins to the temple and scores 1 point for each donated coin.


The player draws one Encounter card and receives a bonus:
  • Shokunin - one Souvenir
  • Annaibito - one Panorama
  • Samurai - 3 points
  • Kuge - 3 coins
  • Miko - 1 point and 1 coin to the Temple (from the bank)


The player draws 3 Souvenir cards and can purchase one or more of these cards.
Each Souvenir belongs to one of 4 types: small objects, clothing, art, and food & drinks.
Souvenirs cost 1, 2 or 3 coins. They are worth 1, 3, 5 or 7 points depending on the actual Souvenirs in a player’s collection.
As you purchase Souvenir cards, group them into sets; each set can contain only one Souvenir of each type.
  • The first Souvenir in a set is worth 1 point.
  • The second Souvenir in a set is worth 3 points.
  • The third Souvenir in a set is worth 5 points.
  • The fourth Souvenir in a set is worth 7 points.


Panoramas are made of 3, 4 or 5 sections.
When a player stops on a Panorama Station, if he doesn’t yet have any Panorama cards of this type, he takes a Panorama card of value « 1 ».
Otherwise, he takes the next number in ascending order and scores a number of points equal to the value of the card.
NOTE: Each traveler can create only a single panorama of each type; a traveler who completes a panorama can no longer stop on the spaces corresponding to that type (Sea, Mountain, or Paddy).


All Travelers must stop at each Inn.
The Inns are the places where players can buy Meal cards. Meal cards cost 1, 2 or 3 coins and all give 6 victory points.
The first traveler occupies the space nearest the road, and later travelers form a line after him.

When the first traveler arrives at an Inn, he draws as many Meal cards as there are players, plus 1.
He can then purchase one Meal card of his choice by paying its price.
He adds this card, face up, to his collection and places the remaining cards next to the board, face down.
He then must wait for the other travelers to arrive at the Inn. Upon arrival, each traveler can purchase one of the remaining Meal cards.

  • A traveler cannot taste the same culinary specialty twice during his journey.
  • A traveler can never purchase more than one Meal card per Inn.
  • A traveler is never obliged to purchase a Meal card.

End of the journey

When all of the Travelers have arrived in Edo at the last Inn, the game ends.

The travelers score additional points depending on their ranking as donors to the Temple:

  • The most generous donor scores 10 points.
  • The second scores 7 points.
  • The third scores 4 points.
  • All other donors score 2 points.

Award the following achievement cards to the appropriate travelers. Each achievement card is worth 3 points. If players are tied for an achievement, then they each receive the 3 points.

  • Gourmet - the player with the highest total face value of Meal cards.
  • Collector - the player with the most Souvenir cards.
  • Bather - the player with the most Hot Spring cards.
  • Chatterbox - the player with the most Encounter cards.

Note: There are 3 other achievement cards that are awarded during game play. One for each different type of panorama and each is awarded to the player that is first to complete the specific panorama.

Note: If players are tied after the final scoring, then the player with the most achievement cards wins.

(Extracted from the English rule book)


Cross Roads Expansion

With this expansion, each station (except the Inn) gives travelers a new option. There are also new travelers added.

Rules for playing the Cross Roads Expansion can be found here:

Note: The Fortune die (for gambling at the farm) has these faces: x0, x1, x2, x3, x3, x4

The New Encounters

This expansion adds 4 new Encounter cards. Description of the cards is here: