This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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De Board Game Arena
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== '''How to Play:''' ==
== '''How to Play:''' ==

In the first round, all players have an identical random set of 9 crew cards. For rounds 2 and 3, each player gets 6 identical cards to add to their 3 left over cards which may be different from the other players.
The game consists of 3 campaigns, broken up into 6 days. '''Each day has 4 phases:
Each crew card has a strength rating and a tie breaker number (representing what order they choose their booty), and a special ability. Crew are arranged with the lowest rating to highest, left to right.
The games consists of 3 campaigns, broken up into 6 days of looting. '''Each day has 4 phases:

Phase 1: Sunrise
Phase 1: Sunrise
Liña 16: Liña 12:
Phase 4: Night'''
Phase 4: Night'''

In the first campaign, all players have an identical random set of 9 crew cards and 10 doubloons.

'''''Phase 1: Sunrise'''''
'''''Phase 1: Sunrise'''''
In this phase, each player secretly chooses one crew card to play. Once everyone is ready, the players reveal their chosen crew members and place them on the main pirate ship in decreasing order. At this phase, any special actions that take place during sunrise would happen. Players also will need to use the tie breaker number on any crew cards if 2 or more people played the same crew member.
In this phase, each player secretly chooses one crew card to play. Once everyone is ready, the players reveal their chosen crew members and place them on the cargo ship from lowest on the left to the highest on the right. If there is a tie, the lower tie breaker number goes the left of the higher. During this phase, all special actions that take place during sunrise happen from left to right.  

'''''Phase 2: Day'''''
'''''Phase 2: Day'''''
The only thing that happens in this phase is any crew member with a day action, may take it, in increasing order of rank. (lowest goes first).
The only thing that happens in this phase is all crew members with a day action MUST take it, in increasing order of rank. (lowest goes first).

'''''Phase 3: Dusk'''''
'''''Phase 3: Dusk'''''
Now, each player chooses a booty token from below the ship. Token are chosen in decreasing order of rank (the opposite of Phase 2). So your high ranking cards will get you the best tokens. Also, any dusk actions happen now.
Each crew must claim a booty token from below the ship. Token are chosen in decreasing order of rank (the opposite of Phase 2) so the highest ranking crew get the best selection of tokens. After a crew claims a booty and resolves their dusk action (if any) they are immediately placed in their player's den before the next booty is claimed and action resolved (which is important if someone is claiming a sabre later.) In some circumstances there might be no more booty to claim when a crew's turn to claim is resolved which means they get no booty and go to their den empty handed.

'''''Phase 4: Night'''''
'''''Phase 4: Night'''''
Once again, the only thing that happens in this phase is crew members may use their Night actions. The difference here though, is any crew members in your cabin, may still use their night actions. So that Barkeep card you played on day 1 of the current round, (his action is to score you 1 doubloon each night) will keep paying you each night of the campaign. Play those night cards early!
The only thing that happens in this phase is crew members use their Night actions. The difference is all crew members in your den resolve their night actions every night. So that Barkeep (his action is to score you 1 doubloon each night) you played on day 1 of the current campaign, will keep paying you every night (as long as he stays alive.) Play those night cards early!
After the 6th day of the campaign, the round is over. Players resolve all “end of campaign” actions of crew members still alive in their dens (yes, crew members can be killed). All used crew members are removed from the game. Each player adds up the value of their booty tokens and doubloons (returning them to the bank) and moves their score marker ahead on the track. Each player should have 3 cards left in their hand. These carry over into the next 2 campaigns.

To setup for the next campaign each player gets 10 new doubloons and add an identical random set of 6 crew cards to the three crew left over. Thus players may have a slightly different hand from each other going forward.

After the 6th day of the campaign, the round is over. Players resolve any “end of campaign” actions of crew members till alive in their dens (yes, crew members can be killed). Then, each player adds up the value of their booty tokens and moves their score marker ahead on the track.
Rounds 2 and 3 play just like round 1. At the end of the game the player with the most victory points is the winner.
To reset for the next campaign, all crew members used are removed from the game, all doubloons are returned to the bank (except 10) and all booty tokens returned to the bag.
The key here is each player should have 3 cards left in their hand. They can use those in the next 2 campaigns. So everyone will have a somewhat different hand going forward.
To start the next round, someone draws 6 new crew cards and everyone else takes the matching cards into their hand. Round 2 and 3 play just like round 1. At the end of the game the player with the most victory points is the winner.

Revisión como estaba o 15 de marzo de 2013 ás 04:37

How to Play:

The game consists of 3 campaigns, broken up into 6 days. Each day has 4 phases:

Phase 1: Sunrise

Phase 2: Day

Phase 3: Dusk

Phase 4: Night

In the first campaign, all players have an identical random set of 9 crew cards and 10 doubloons.

Phase 1: Sunrise In this phase, each player secretly chooses one crew card to play. Once everyone is ready, the players reveal their chosen crew members and place them on the cargo ship from lowest on the left to the highest on the right. If there is a tie, the lower tie breaker number goes the left of the higher. During this phase, all special actions that take place during sunrise happen from left to right.

Phase 2: Day The only thing that happens in this phase is all crew members with a day action MUST take it, in increasing order of rank. (lowest goes first).

Phase 3: Dusk Each crew must claim a booty token from below the ship. Token are chosen in decreasing order of rank (the opposite of Phase 2) so the highest ranking crew get the best selection of tokens. After a crew claims a booty and resolves their dusk action (if any) they are immediately placed in their player's den before the next booty is claimed and action resolved (which is important if someone is claiming a sabre later.) In some circumstances there might be no more booty to claim when a crew's turn to claim is resolved which means they get no booty and go to their den empty handed.

Phase 4: Night The only thing that happens in this phase is crew members use their Night actions. The difference is all crew members in your den resolve their night actions every night. So that Barkeep (his action is to score you 1 doubloon each night) you played on day 1 of the current campaign, will keep paying you every night (as long as he stays alive.) Play those night cards early!

After the 6th day of the campaign, the round is over. Players resolve all “end of campaign” actions of crew members still alive in their dens (yes, crew members can be killed). All used crew members are removed from the game. Each player adds up the value of their booty tokens and doubloons (returning them to the bank) and moves their score marker ahead on the track. Each player should have 3 cards left in their hand. These carry over into the next 2 campaigns.

To setup for the next campaign each player gets 10 new doubloons and add an identical random set of 6 crew cards to the three crew left over. Thus players may have a slightly different hand from each other going forward.

Rounds 2 and 3 play just like round 1. At the end of the game the player with the most victory points is the winner.