This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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If the Provost is on top of or behind the Bailiff, advance the Bailiff one space. If the Provost is ahead of the Bailiff, advance the Bailiff two spaces. The Provost is then placed atop the Bailiff again.
If the Provost is on top of or behind the Bailiff, advance the Bailiff one space. If the Provost is ahead of the Bailiff, advance the Bailiff two spaces. The Provost is then placed atop the Bailiff again.


Revisión como estaba o 15 de novembro de 2016 ás 23:39


Each player receives 2 deniers, plus 1 denier per residence owned, 1 denier if they own the Library, and 2 deniers if they own the Hotel.


Players in turn either place a worker or pass, in the order dictated by the turn order track, until everyone has passed.

Placement may be on any unoccupied place or building on the board. If it is a building owned by another player, that player receives 1 VP.

If it is your own building, or if you have a worker in the Inn's rightmost spot, pay 1 denier. Otherwise, pay the lowest unoccupied number on the bridge. [EXCEPTION: in 2-player Caylus, pay 3 deniers, not 2, once the other player passes.] Payments go to the bank, not other players.

Passing: place a marker on the lowest number on the Bridge. If you are first to pass, gain 1 denier.


Beginning with the Gate, any place with a worker is activated, and the worker returns to the player.

GATE: Move the worker to any unoccupied place on the board for free. If it is a building owned by another player, they earn 1 VP.

TRADING POST: Gain 3 deniers.

MERCHANTS' GUILD: Move the provost up to 3 squares forward or back, for free.

JOUSTING FIELD: Pay 1 denier + 1 cloth to earn a royal favour.

STABLES: Move your marker to the indicated number in the turn order track; all players not in the Stables move down the turn order accordingly.

INN: If your worker is on the left spot, move it to the right spot and return any worker there to its owner. If you are in the right spot, you can either leave your worker there or reclaim it.


In order of passing, from first to last, players may move the Provost forward or back, for one denier per square, to a maximum of 3 squares.


Past the bridge, in order, buildings with workers are activated, and the worker is returned to the player. Workers on buildings beyond the Provost are returned without activating those buildings.

Notes on some buildings:

Production: The 3 stone production buildings when activated by another player also grant one resource to the owner, chosen from the options in brackets.

Construction: The Carpenter allows you to construct wood buildings; the Mason, stone buildings. The Lawyer changes a neutral building or one you own into a residence, for 1 denier + 1 cloth. (You cannot transform the Lawyer or a prestige building.) The Architect permits you to construct a prestige building over one of your residences.

Constructing a building requires the resources listed on its card. (A white cube = any resource.) When a building is constructed, score the VPs indicated in its top right corner (residences are always 2 VPs). Some buildings also grant a royal favour (Church, Statue, etc.); the Monument grants 2 royal favours.

If you build over a building with a worker on it, the transformation is postponed until after the worker's action.

== 6. BUILD THE CASTLE == In the order that workers were placed in the castle, each player builds as many units as they like. A unit costs 3 different resources, of which one must be food. If you have a worker in the castle but do not construct a unit, lose 2 VPs.

Each unit is worth VPs as follows: 5 VPs for the Dungeon, 4 VPs for the Walls, 3 VPs for the Towers.

Each section is built in order (Dungeon, Walls, Towers). After a section marker is passed on the road, work continues in the next section even if the previous one is incomplete. If a section is filled, work immediately commences on the next section.

The player who constructs the most units in a turn earns one royal favour. If there is a tie, the player who built first wins the favour.


If the Provost is on top of or behind the Bailiff, advance the Bailiff one space. If the Provost is ahead of the Bailiff, advance the Bailiff two spaces. The Provost is then placed atop the Bailiff again.


If the Bailiff now rests on or past one of the three section markers on the road (Dungeon, Walls, Towers), players earn favours or lose VPs as follows:

Dungeon: no house = -2 VPs; 2+ houses = 1 favour Walls: no house = -3 VPs; 2 houses = 1 favour; 3/4 houses = 2 favours; 5+ houses = 3 favours Towers: no house = -4 VPs; 2/3 houses = 1 favour; 4/5 houses = 2 favours; 6+ houses = 3 favours

If the Tower section marker is reached, the game is over and final scoring occurs; otherwise, a new turn begins (Step 1).


Gain 3 VPs per gold cube, 1 VP per 3 cubes of the other 4 resource types, and 1 VP per 4 deniers.


There are 4 tracks, which award VPs, deniers, resources or the ability to construct buildings at a discount. Each time you gain a favour, you may advance one space on one track, or select a lower favour if you prefer. Only the first 2 spaces are available initially; once the Dungeon is built the first 4 spaces become available; once the Walls are built the 5th space is available.

If multiple favours are gained at once, they must all be taken from different tracks; thus you may only gain 4 favours at once. (E.g. if you build the Monument with the construction favour, you may not use the favour earned from it for construction.)

The construction favours may be invoked even if there is no Mason, Lawyer or Architect on the board, or if they are occupied by a worker.