This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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De Board Game Arena
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(Non se amosan 5 revisións do historial feitas por 3 usuarios.)
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'''Board Game Arena''' znajduje się we Francji.
<div style="border:3px solid red; background-color: #FF6666; color: white; font-weight:normal; padding: 1em;">
This content is deprecated. Please refer to the up to date "Frequently Asked Questions" page at this address:!faq

== Kontakt e-mail ==
'''Board Game Arena''' is located in France.
== Contact e-mail ==


Otrzymujemy '''wiele''' e-maili. Prosimy nie wysyłać do nas e-mail w każdym z tych dwóch przypadków:
We receive '''a lot''' of e-mails. Please do not send us an e-mail in any of these two cases:

* Jeśli chcesz zgłosić błąd, proszę zrobić to poprzez [!bugs System zgłaszania błędów]
* If you want to report a bug, please do it in the [!bugs bug reporting system]
* Jeśli chcesz zgłosić gracza naruszającego zasady BGA, użyj przycisku "Zgłoś tego gracza" na jego/jej profilu.
* If you want to report a player for violation of BGA policy, use the "report this player" button on his/her profile.

== Adres pocztowy ==
== Postal address ==

G. Isabelli
AD2G Studio SAS

19 bd république
19 rue des Ormeaux

92 260 Fontenay-aux-Roses
92 260 Fontenay-aux-Roses

Revisión actual feita o 24 de outubro de 2018 ás 16:05

This content is deprecated. Please refer to the up to date "Frequently Asked Questions" page at this address:!faq

Board Game Arena is located in France.

Contact e-mail


We receive a lot of e-mails. Please do not send us an e-mail in any of these two cases:

  • If you want to report a bug, please do it in the bug reporting system
  • If you want to report a player for violation of BGA policy, use the "report this player" button on his/her profile.

Postal address

AD2G Studio SAS

19 rue des Ormeaux

92 260 Fontenay-aux-Roses


+33 6 17 25 80 34