This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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De Board Game Arena
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m (moved Steps to create a BGA game to BGA game Lifecycle: The current title 'Steps to create a BGA game' is confusing, it looks like steps by step instructions for beginners but it its rather huge phases of the game development)
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Revisión actual feita o 4 de xuño de 2017 ás 21:03

Here's a summary of the different steps you would follow when developing a game with BGA Studio.

Step How to reach this step What happened during the step?
Initial How to join BGA developer team? You can choose to join an existing team / create a new project
Assigned You choose a game You can start the development of the game
Pre-alpha You've started to write some piece of code You develop the game. During this phase, we can assist you with the framework and give you some pieces of advice.
Alpha You tell us that your development is finished "BGA review": we are reviewing your game and check if it respects BGA guidelines. If not, we will ask you (and help you) to fix them.
Private beta We give a "go" "Publisher review": On preproduction platform, the publisher, the designer, we and you can test the game together and separately. We help you to take into account remarks from the publisher and the designer.
Public beta The adaptation is approved by the publisher We find together a good launch date for the game, we announce the game on BGA news, and then player can start to play! During the first days, it is common that some bugs are reported by players, and you can fix them following the instructions in Post-release phase.
Gold The game is stable on BGA Congrats! You can still modify and optimize things following the instructions in Post-release phase.