This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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De Board Game Arena
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(Adding resource information and some references; Initial pass at separating the description of the board from the description of game play.)
(Non se amosa unha revisión do historial feita por outro usuario.)
Liña 2: Liña 2:

The aim of the INJAWARA board game is to work in team cooperatively and contribute to solve at least 1 Challenge related to each Millennium Development Goal and 1 for each Region by moving the needed resources through the six regions and reply to questions related to the Challenges faced.  
The goal of INJAWARA is to work cooperatively to solve:
* At least 1 Challenge related to each of the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
* And at least 1 for each Region  
by moving the needed resources through the six regions and correctly answering questions related to the MDG.  

The longer you ignore a problem, the more it will get worse! If a problem becomes too serious it will become impossible to solve it, and you will lose all.
The longer you ignore an MDG, the worse it will get!  
If a problem becomes too serious and you will lose all.

== THE GAME ==
Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)
#to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger -- Yellow background, steaming bowl icon
#to achieve universal primary education -- Green background, pencil icon
#to promote gender equality and empower women -- Orange background, Venus icon
#to reduce child mortality -- Light blue background, icon depicts an infant
#to improve maternal health -- Pink background, icon of a pregnant woman
#to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases -- Red background, medicine bottle icon
#to ensure environmental sustainability -- Green background, leaf/plant icon
#to develop a global partnership for development -- Dark blue background, icon depicts several people in a row
The clock in the upper left corner indicates how many turns that MDG has left before it becomes critical.
The MDGs are scattered across the clock, and they move clockwise based on how many open challenges remain in that MDG at the end of the turn.
MDGs are moved counter clockwise as the associated challenges are addressed.
Challenges are triangular markers with indicators on the three points. Each challenge is assigned an MDG (color and icon), a region (leaf), and the resource required to address it. One challenge is drawn each turn. The challenge enters the board at the beginning of the next turn. Challenges never move from their region. (Unless they are removed from the game board during game play.)
- regions (designated by tree leaves)
- connections -- Black arrows designate routes along which travel is permitted. For example, even though the micronesian region and the sub-Saharan Africa region seem to share a vertex, travel is only permitted from southern Africa to the northern Africa/European region.
- Gear shaped pieces; each has an ability; Abilities are unlocked after the Resource is used on a Challenge.
# Professionals
# Education
# Law
# Politics
# Material Resources
# Financial Resources
The INJAWARA board game has no player turns, but in each round, all players, as a team, must decide the actions the team will take.

The INJAWARA board game has no player turns, but in each round, all players, as a team, must decide the actions to do. How decisions are taken must be agreed by all players at the beginning of the game.

Every round has three phases:
Every round has three phases:

=== 1. USE OR MOVE RESOURCES (Optional) ===
=== 1. MOVE RESOURCES or Use Unlocked Resource Powers (Optional) ===

Optionally, the team may make one of the following actions: move a resource to an adjacent region, use one unlocked resource power or simply do nothing in this phase.
The team may make one of the following actions: move a resource to an adjacent region, use one unlocked resource power or simply do nothing in this phase.

Liña 21: Liña 60:

All regions are linked between them, indicated by the black arrows on the board. You can move one resource from one region to another linked region.
All regions are linked between them, indicated by the black arrows on the board. You can move one resource from one region to another linked region.
To move a resource, one player clicks the blue "move a resource" button at the top of the screen. They then click one of the resources (now highlighted by a red box) and then click on the leaf of the new region they would like to move the resource to (only legal moves are available). They have now proposed a move. They will see a dotted grey box highlighting their proposal by their name in the player list in the upper right corner. The other player(s) will see a red highlighted box in the same area. They click on the box to accept the proposal.

Liña 65: Liña 106:
==== C. DO NOTHING ====
==== C. DO NOTHING ====

Whilst there is a challenge which may be solved (see 2. Try to solve a challenge), we can skip this first phase and go straight for the challenge. In the same manner, althought there was not a challenge which may be solved, it's possible for the team to pass in this phase and go just right to 3. A NEW CHALLENGE APPEARS. This is an actual valid option, but encourage the team to use it carefully. Maybe you can earn some more points by moving a resource or using a power, instead of letting the turn move on.
Whilst there is a challenge that may be solved (see 2. Try to solve a challenge), we can skip this first phase and go straight for the challenge. Similarly, although there might not be any challenge that can be solved, it's possible for the team to pass in this phase and just go right to 3. A NEW CHALLENGE APPEARS. This is an actual valid option, but encourage the team to use it carefully. Maybe you can earn some more points by moving a resource or using a power, instead of letting the turn move on.

=== 2. TRY TO SOLVE A CHALLENGE (if it's possible) ===
=== 2. TRY TO SOLVE A CHALLENGE (if it's possible) ===
Liña 103: Liña 144:
Grab that challenge and place it on the region indicated by the leaf shape.  
Grab that challenge and place it on the region indicated by the leaf shape.  

In that moment, if in that region there was any other unsolved challenges, move one box towards a lower score, on the score board, all MDGs markers present in this region's challenges, without counting on th new challenge.  
In that moment, if in that region there was any other unsolved challenges, move one box towards a lower score, on the score board, all MDGs markers present in this region's challenges, without counting on the new challenge.  

==== '-1' TOKEN ====
==== '-1' TOKEN ====

If the next challenge token is a '-1' one, check all unsolved challenges on the board and move one box towards a lower score, on the score board, all MDGs markeres present. Only one box may be moved per MDG, so ignore other challenges that references the same MDG.  
If the next challenge token is a '-1' one, check all unsolved challenges on the board and move one box towards a lower score, on the score board, all MDGs markers present. Only one box may be moved per MDG, so ignore other challenges that references the same MDG.  

In that moment, grab all tokens from discarded challenges pile (marked with an X on the board) and the '-1' token and put them back into the bag.  
In that moment, grab all tokens from discarded challenges pile (marked with an X on the board) and the '-1' token and put them back into the bag.  
Liña 137: Liña 178:

Sum up all scores of all MDGs markers and this will be your final score. (On the score board you can see an aid for suming up to three markers on the same score box, on grey).
Sum up all scores of all MDGs markers and this will be your final score. (On the score board you can see an aid for suming up to three markers on the same score box, on grey).
= Resources =
== What are the MDGs? ==
The United Nations Millennium Development Goals are eight goals that all 191 UN member states have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015. The United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000 commits world leaders to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women. The MDGs are derived from this Declaration, and all have specific targets and indicators.
The Eight Millennium Development Goals are:
#to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger;
#to achieve universal primary education;
#to promote gender equality and empower women;
#to reduce child mortality;
#to improve maternal health;
#to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases;
#to ensure environmental sustainability; and
#to develop a global partnership for development.
The MDGs are inter-dependent; all the MDG influence health, and health influences all the MDGs. For example, better health enables children to learn and adults to earn. Gender equality is essential to the achievement of better health. Reducing poverty, hunger and environmental degradation positively influences, but also depends on, better health. []
== Answering questions about MDGs ==
When you are looking for answers to questions:
*Remember that this game was published in 2014, so developments since then may not be a factor in the answers on cards.
*UN, UNICEF, and WHO pages are likely to be more accurate (for the purposes of the game) than other sites.
== Additional Reading ==
If you would like to learn more about the Millenium Development Goals check out the following
=== United States ===
Sachs, Jeffrey -- [[The End of Poverty]] []
Sachs, Jeffrey -- Columbia University Online Course: [[The Age of Sustainable Development]] []

Revisión actual feita o 24 de setembro de 2018 ás 05:31


The goal of INJAWARA is to work cooperatively to solve:

  • At least 1 Challenge related to each of the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
  • And at least 1 for each Region

by moving the needed resources through the six regions and correctly answering questions related to the MDG.

The longer you ignore an MDG, the worse it will get! If a problem becomes too serious and you will lose all.


Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)

  1. to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger -- Yellow background, steaming bowl icon
  2. to achieve universal primary education -- Green background, pencil icon
  3. to promote gender equality and empower women -- Orange background, Venus icon
  4. to reduce child mortality -- Light blue background, icon depicts an infant
  5. to improve maternal health -- Pink background, icon of a pregnant woman
  6. to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases -- Red background, medicine bottle icon
  7. to ensure environmental sustainability -- Green background, leaf/plant icon
  8. to develop a global partnership for development -- Dark blue background, icon depicts several people in a row

Clock The clock in the upper left corner indicates how many turns that MDG has left before it becomes critical. The MDGs are scattered across the clock, and they move clockwise based on how many open challenges remain in that MDG at the end of the turn. MDGs are moved counter clockwise as the associated challenges are addressed.

Challenges Challenges are triangular markers with indicators on the three points. Each challenge is assigned an MDG (color and icon), a region (leaf), and the resource required to address it. One challenge is drawn each turn. The challenge enters the board at the beginning of the next turn. Challenges never move from their region. (Unless they are removed from the game board during game play.)

Map - regions (designated by tree leaves) - connections -- Black arrows designate routes along which travel is permitted. For example, even though the micronesian region and the sub-Saharan Africa region seem to share a vertex, travel is only permitted from southern Africa to the northern Africa/European region.

Resources - Gear shaped pieces; each has an ability; Abilities are unlocked after the Resource is used on a Challenge.

  1. Professionals
  2. Education
  3. Law
  4. Politics
  5. Material Resources
  6. Financial Resources


The INJAWARA board game has no player turns, but in each round, all players, as a team, must decide the actions the team will take.

Every round has three phases:

1. MOVE RESOURCES or Use Unlocked Resource Powers (Optional)

The team may make one of the following actions: move a resource to an adjacent region, use one unlocked resource power or simply do nothing in this phase.


All regions are linked between them, indicated by the black arrows on the board. You can move one resource from one region to another linked region.

To move a resource, one player clicks the blue "move a resource" button at the top of the screen. They then click one of the resources (now highlighted by a red box) and then click on the leaf of the new region they would like to move the resource to (only legal moves are available). They have now proposed a move. They will see a dotted grey box highlighting their proposal by their name in the player list in the upper right corner. The other player(s) will see a red highlighted box in the same area. They click on the box to accept the proposal.


If a resource has its power unlocked, you can use its power.

Please note that after using the power of a resource you have to lock its power again and turn that resource upside down.

All powers are the following:

Economic resources

Swap places of two resources on the board. Economic resources may be moved in this way as well.


Move a resource to any region on the board. Professionals may be moved in this way as well.


Move towards higher score one box the score token of one of the following MDGS: 1, 2, 6, 7.


Move towards higher score one box the score token of one of the following MDGS: 3, 4, 5, 8.


You can discard a challenge token placed in any region, but it's not treated as solved.


This is the only resource you have to use after having answered to the question. You can answer another questions, after failing a previous one, in order to solve a challenge.


Whilst there is a challenge that may be solved (see 2. Try to solve a challenge), we can skip this first phase and go straight for the challenge. Similarly, although there might not be any challenge that can be solved, it's possible for the team to pass in this phase and just go right to 3. A NEW CHALLENGE APPEARS. This is an actual valid option, but encourage the team to use it carefully. Maybe you can earn some more points by moving a resource or using a power, instead of letting the turn move on.

2. TRY TO SOLVE A CHALLENGE (if it's possible)

Every challenge token has three data items:

       The region where it appears,
       the MDG affected by it, and
       the needed resource to solve it.

If in the moment to start the turn or after using or moving resources, the convenient resource is on the same region than a challenge which needs it, the team may try to solve the challenge (see illustration).

There is only one constraint: If you chose to move a resource at the beginning of the turn, you may only try to solve the challenges associated to that resource. This doesn't apply after using a power or if you decide not to move nor use a resource.

If there is more than one challenge you can solve, YOU CANNOT SOLVE BOTH, but you have to choose which one you want to solve.

So, grab the first question card from the question deck, and read out loud the question related to the MDG indicated by the challenge, and try to answer it working as a team. The right answers are in the reverse of the card, so try not to lift it up as others may see the answer.

If you answer correctly, move forward the score marker associated to the MDG indicated by the challenge three boxes towards a higher score. It's not possible to move an score token beyond 100 points.

If the score marker shows an X, turn it upside down to see the green tick.

In the same manner, turn the region marker, where the challenge is located, upside down, if it wasn't showing the green tick yet.

Likewise, if the resource was 'locked', turn it upside down, in order to unlock its power.

The challenge token is discarded and place it in the discarded pile, marked with an X on the board.

If you answer incorrectly, don't move any marker or token.

In both cases, leave the question card on the discard pile, marked with an X, next to que question mark on the board. Place it with the questions facing up.


The challenge we left in the space marked by an eye on the board, is the next challenge that will appear in the game.

Grab that challenge and place it on the region indicated by the leaf shape.

In that moment, if in that region there was any other unsolved challenges, move one box towards a lower score, on the score board, all MDGs markers present in this region's challenges, without counting on the new challenge.

'-1' TOKEN

If the next challenge token is a '-1' one, check all unsolved challenges on the board and move one box towards a lower score, on the score board, all MDGs markers present. Only one box may be moved per MDG, so ignore other challenges that references the same MDG.

In that moment, grab all tokens from discarded challenges pile (marked with an X on the board) and the '-1' token and put them back into the bag.

Grab a new challenge token from the bag, randomly, and place it on the space marked with an eye. Now you know which is the challenge for the next round.


There are two possible scenarios when the game ends:

1. The team loses the game, if in any moment of the game, any MDG score marker reaches the skull. If you want to calculate your final score, see the "Scoring. If we lose." section below.

2. The team wins the game, if in any moment of the game, all MDG score markers show the green tick and all region markers show the green tick as well. If this situation occurs in the middle of several challenges solving, you can end solving up all of them (and also use the Education power, if this is unlocked).


If we lose

If our team has lost the game, move towards a lower score, all MDG markers, 3 boxes. If any of the markers reaches the skull, it cannot be moved beyond. Then, sum up all the scores, knowing the skull scores 0 points.

If we won

Sum up all scores of all MDGs markers and this will be your final score. (On the score board you can see an aid for suming up to three markers on the same score box, on grey).


What are the MDGs?

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals are eight goals that all 191 UN member states have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015. The United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000 commits world leaders to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women. The MDGs are derived from this Declaration, and all have specific targets and indicators.

The Eight Millennium Development Goals are:

  1. to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger;
  2. to achieve universal primary education;
  3. to promote gender equality and empower women;
  4. to reduce child mortality;
  5. to improve maternal health;
  6. to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases;
  7. to ensure environmental sustainability; and
  8. to develop a global partnership for development.

The MDGs are inter-dependent; all the MDG influence health, and health influences all the MDGs. For example, better health enables children to learn and adults to earn. Gender equality is essential to the achievement of better health. Reducing poverty, hunger and environmental degradation positively influences, but also depends on, better health. [1]

Answering questions about MDGs

When you are looking for answers to questions:

  • Remember that this game was published in 2014, so developments since then may not be a factor in the answers on cards.
  • UN, UNICEF, and WHO pages are likely to be more accurate (for the purposes of the game) than other sites.

Additional Reading

If you would like to learn more about the Millenium Development Goals check out the following

United States

Sachs, Jeffrey -- The End of Poverty [2] Sachs, Jeffrey -- Columbia University Online Course: The Age of Sustainable Development [3]